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Hi, I am
Segni Dessalegn
Web Developer | Competitive Programmer | AI enthusiast
Hello there, thank you for dropping by. My name is Segni Dessalegn and I am a software engineer. I am interested in all aspects of software development. I am passionate to learn new things and like to work on innovative projects. I hope you like your visit here. Thanks.
I have participated in the Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 Global Final held in China, where I earned the third prize. It was a truly enriching experience for me.
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I have taken part in EtCPC (Ethiopian Collegiate Programming Contest) competition held in ASTU (Adama Science and Technology). I have recieved a 3rd place prize in the competition.
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I have recieved the honor 'Best A2SVian of the Year 2022-20223.' In addition to that I have been recognized as the '1st Place Problem Solver in G4 Education Season.'
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I have solved over 1,000 algorithm problems on LeetCode, which has significantly enhanced my problem-solving skills.
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Contact Me
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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